Uno, Dos, Tres

And baby makes three!

[Uno, Dos, Tres] Cuatro

I’ve never seen quicksand before, but sometimes I feel like I’ve been sinking in it. Bambino #2 is still baking. About six more weeks to go. I am feeling anxious about her arrival, and not sure if it’s in a good way or not. I wish and hope and pray she’d come into the world […]

[Uno, Dos, Tres] Promoted to Sophomom

[Uno, Dos, Tres] Promoted to Sophomom

This post was inspired by an event at 1:34 AM. Today I was promoted to “sophomom,” a word I made up. The definition: I’m no longer the only first-time mom among my friends. Today, I passed down the torch to another friend as she journeys into the brainfog of motherhood. It wasn’t hard enough being […]

[Uno, Dos, Tres] I Love These, I Love Those Not

[Uno, Dos, Tres] I Love These, I Love Those Not

It’s been 6 months now. Babies are darn expensive themselves, but there are plenty of pricey products to keep the bambinos alive. When I was putting together my baby registry, I consulted with other mom friends on their suggestions. For the most part, I realized there are a billion and one different products out there, […]

Just the three of us... soon.

[Uno, Dos, Tres] The Final Countdown

Well, I’m 3 days away from my estimated due date, i.e., feeling like I’m watching grass grow as I anticipate *something* to happen. It’s hard to sit in restaurant booths, my belly itches like crazy, and waking up at 2 or 3 AM every morning to pee has become part of my daily routine. The […]

[Uno, Dos, Tres] — Stage 2

I am sure there are plenty of things to experience in life, but what I experienced today is just surreal. I didn’t even have time to think about how I felt. It just happened. Tears welled up in my eyes. Slowly, yet surely, I’m starting to understand things I never could wrap my head around […]

[Uno, Dos, Tres] 1 – Day 1.

I have a tendency to think of how I will react to certain life events before they happen. For instance, when I was in elementary school, I already worried about college. I had visited my siblings’ college campus and remember thinking how big it was. I knew I’d get lost. But in the blink of […]


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